I literally cried when I figured out where my itchy bites were coming from. I thought it was just mosquitoes, but after some research, I realised that for the first time in my life, I was a victim of BED BUGS!
The customer service I received when I called Bed Bug Barrier was amazing, so empathetic and knowledgeable–I felt that the person I was speaking to cared more about my situation than selling their bed bug products. I ended up buying the bed bug mattress cover, the Bed Bug Killer powder, and the Floor bedbug barrier and they all worked like a charm! (The powder even worked on my plant that had some pesky bugs that were destroying it. Killed the bugs, but not my plant.)
I have since moved from that apartment back to NYC (another city famous for bedbugs), and am very proud to say that over a year later, I still have the same cover on my new mattress, and am still using the powder and floor bed bug barriers on the legs of my new bed frame. And in NYC I am still bedbug free and feeling super sure that I will continue to be. Love these products, and love the customer service of this company.
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