Got bed bugs? Don’t panic. With the right method, you can eliminate them instantly and prevent them
from coming back—without toxic chemicals or expensive exterminators.
It’s time to take back your space and sleep soundly again.
DIY Video Instructions for an Ensemble Bed
Bed bugs love hiding in bed frames, especially between slats and joints. In this video, we’ll show you how to eliminate bed bugs instantly using steam and prevent them from coming back with Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and bed bug barriers. Follow these simple steps to protect your bed and sleep bed bug-free!
DIY Video Instructions for a Bed Frame with Slats
Ensemble beds are a hotspot for bed bugs, but you can eliminate them quickly and stop re-infestations with the right method. In this video, we’ll show you how to treat your ensemble bed using steam for instant kill and Diatomaceous Earth (DE) for long-term protection. Plus, learn how to set up bed bug barriers to keep them out for good!

DIY Instructions for your Couch and Chairs
Bed bugs love hiding in couches, making them a major infestation hotspot. Our step by step instructions will show you how to eliminate bed bugs instantly using steam and prevent them from coming back with Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Learn the best techniques to treat cushions, seams, and hidden crevices so you can relax bed bug-free!